Technical information
Project Technical Study Form
Synchronising the remote control with the hood (Inoxpan IN-A005-A007)
Synchronisation of the remote control with the hood can be lost due to power cuts or electrical fluctuations, causing the hood not to respond to the control, so it must be synchronised again.
Ceiling hoods. Start-up. (Inoxpan IN-A0010)
ceiling hoods fitting bulleting for fitters. First start-up, use and synchronize the remote control.
Decorative hoods. Fitting and first start-up. (Inoxpan IN-A0011)
Decorative hoods bulleting, for fitters. First start-up, use and synchronize the remote control.
Ceiling Hoods synchronising the remote control. (Inoxpan IN-A0012)
Decorative hoods fitting bulleting for fitters. Synchronising the remote control with the hood.
Pando – Orpan. Remote control generic manual.
Complete operating of the remote control of the Generic User Manual. available both for users and fitters.
User, Installation Manual