Pando Certificates

(*) SGS Product Certification according to UNE-EN 60335 standards

ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management System Certification – Register number ES19/86566

ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management System Certification – Register number ES20/208675

Certificate of registration of carbon footprint, offsetting, and CO2 absorption projects from the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITERD), corresponding to emissions from 2022 – Carbon footprint code: 2023-a3746.

(*) The use of the certification and the brand is exclusive for the models marked with this symbol on their identification tag.

The Quality and Environment Policy of INOXPAN, S.L.

The Quality and Environment Policy of INOXPAN, S.L. is based on Management’s commitment to carry out all the organization’s activities in line with an efficient and dynamic Quality and Environment Management System in order to deliver products that satisfy our customers’ requirements, while complying with the applicable national and international legal and regulatory requirements, environmental included at competitive prices and offering optimal service conditions, with lowest possible environmental impact.

This Policy is taken on board by company personnel at all levels, who participate actively in the maintenance and improvement of the Quality and Environment Management System, and is applied to each and every one of the activities carried out.

The Quality an Environment Policy of INOXPAN, S.L. is based on the following principles:

Customer Satisfaction

As an essential part of our Policy, management of the Organization is aimed at permanently improving the degree of customer satisfaction as well as the approach regarding environmental progress, by establishing effective mechanisms to determine and control it, along with environmental criteria with regards any Business decisión involving new projects, product purchase or Service.

Continuous Improvement

Optimizing process-based management together with the planning, execution and control of the improvement actions constitutes an essential activity in managing the organization.

 Updated Requisites

Ensuring that the Quality and Environment Management System is always up to date, so that it continues to be effective throughout changes in products and the evolution of market demands and environmental requirements, leading to dynamics of permanent improvement in management of the organization.

Quality of Products and Services

Process-based management in INOXPAN S.L. is based on prevention as the most effective means to achieve satisfactory product and services quality levels for our customers, as well as to produce lowest possible impact on environment, together with constant technological innovation and product design in line with ruling regulations.


Establishing the necessary – internal and external – communication levels to carry on the business in the best possible way and ensure correct performance of the Quality and Environment Management System in the terms described in this Policy, tailoring them to the recipient and using the appropriate medium out of all the available options.

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